I’ll Never Let You Go
Do you know the song called She’s Gone by Steelheart? Do you like it? Do you know Steelheart’s other songs? Which one do you like? Oh, I am sorry for asking you many questions. One of Steelheart‘s best songs is I’ll Never Let You Go. Just like She’s Gone, It shows Miljenko‘s incredible voice. Miljenko Matijevic is the frontman of the band.

Mili, Miljenko‘s short name, told the fans that he created the song when he and his friends enjoyed their holiday. They rent a house. When the morning came, Mili went out to enjoy the fresh air after having breakfast. The sky was clear blue at that time. There was an amazing hammock in the garden. He laid down on it seeing the blue sky and playing his acoustic guitar. Suddenly he got a big chorus. Then he asked his girlfriend to hear the song he just created. His girlfriend said that it was great. Mili knew it was a hit.

The song was released in 1991. It was number 23 on US Hot 100 and number 24 on US Main Rock. And finally, it was number 2 on MTV. Mili said that it was big. It was fantastic. And it was a lot of fun.
Please enjoy I’ll Never Let You Go by Steelheart on the YouTube link below. I love the music, the lyrics, and Miljenko‘s incredible voice.