The Importance of Consistency

The Importance of Consistency

I got a motivational quote from an Instagram account. It was said by Elon Mask-the international successful businessman from the United States of America. “To be successful, we do not have to be different. All we need is something that other people do not have, i.e. consistency.” It hit me so hard. Consistency is so important for those who want to be successful in life.

Successful writers, for example, do a lot of writing practice. They write, write, and write every day for many hours for a long time. They start writing for the first time and have the habit to write. Successful basketball players or other sports players are also consistent in practicing the sports. They spend a lot of time and energy practicing.

A good metaphor for consistency is the water drops on a stone. Little by little, after a long time of consistency, the water succeeds to make a hole in the stone. Everything which is done continuously will have a good result. Of course, it needs a lot of patience. To be consistent has to be trained every time. When people sleep, do the practice. When people have a rest, do some more practice. When people give up, have the energy to continue.

It is better to have small steps to reach the goal. By having small steps one will not be exhausted at the beginning. Doing small steps consistently is more important than doing big steps but not consistent. Do not forget to be focused on the goal.


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